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CloudPanel Migration Script: Automate CloudPanel Migration

Migrating websites between CloudPanel servers often requires handling multiple tasks such as transferring databases, updating configurations, and moving website files. To simplify this complex process, we’ve developed a powerful CloudPanel migration script that automates these tasks, ensuring a seamless migration of PHP-based websites between servers.

In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of the script, explain each step in the migration process, and show you how you can use it to efficiently transfer your websites without any manual hassle. Whether you’re migrating a single site or managing multiple instances, this script streamlines the process and reduces the potential for errors.

Why Choose a CloudPanel Migration Script?

Manually migrating websites can be time-consuming and prone to human errors. Whether it’s creating databases, transferring files, or configuring servers, any misstep could lead to downtime or issues post-migration. This CloudPanel migration script helps automate key parts of the migration, minimizing downtime and ensuring accuracy during the process.

The script simplifies tasks such as:

  • Copying databases from a remote CloudPanel server to the local server.
  • Listing and recreating PHP sites on the destination server.
  • Transferring files and Nginx configurations, ensuring that the site content and settings are identical.
  • Handling FTP users and cron jobs, recreating them with the necessary permissions.

Key Features of the CloudPanel Migration Script

  1. Automated Site Creation
    The script detects PHP sites from the source server, retrieves their details (domain name, PHP version, user credentials), and automatically creates them on the new server using clpctl.
  2. Database Migration
    It securely copies the SQLite database from the remote server to the local server and sets up MySQL databases for each PHP site, including creating users and importing the database dumps.
  3. Efficient File Transfer
    Using rsync, the script efficiently transfers all website files, ensuring no data is left behind during the migration. It also copies important files like SSL certificates and Nginx configurations.
  4. Permission and Ownership Management
    The script adjusts file permissions and ownership to match the new server’s requirements, preventing access issues that may arise from incorrect settings.
  5. FTP User Creation and Cron Jobs
    The script extracts FTP user details from the source database and recreates them on the new server. Similarly, cron jobs for each PHP site are transferred, ensuring that scheduled tasks continue uninterrupted.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough of the Script

Let’s walk through the key steps that the CloudPanel migration script performs:

1. Checking for Required Tools

The script first ensures that essential tools like sshpass, sqlite3, rsync, and openssl are installed. If any are missing, they are installed via apt-get.

2. Copying the Remote Database

The script connects to the remote CloudPanel server using sshpass and securely copies the SQLite database (db.sq3) to a temporary location on the local server. This database holds crucial details like site configurations, FTP users, and cron jobs.

3. Listing and Recreating PHP Sites

The script queries the copied SQLite database to list all PHP sites and their details (domain, PHP version, users, passwords). It then uses clpctl to recreate these sites on the new CloudPanel server, including setting up PHP versions and user credentials.

4. Transferring Vhost Templates and Other Settings

For each site, the script retrieves the corresponding vHost template and other settings (like application and varnish cache values) from the remote database. These are then inserted into the local database to ensure that configurations are accurately replicated.

5. Copying Nginx Configurations and SSL Certificates

The Nginx configuration files and SSL certificate files are copied from the remote server using rsync. This ensures that the website settings, including secure HTTPS configurations, are preserved on the new server.

6. FTP User and Cron Job Setup

The script retrieves FTP user details and cron jobs from the remote SQLite database and recreates them on the new server. Each FTP user is assigned a secure password, and SSH configurations are updated to restrict their access to specific directories.

7. Migrating the MySQL Databases

For each PHP site that uses a MySQL database, the script initiates a database dump on the remote server using clpctl, transfers the dump file, and restores the database on the new server. The script also creates new MySQL users and securely stores their credentials.

8. File Syncing via Rsync

The entire site content for each domain, including HTML, PHP, assets, and configuration files, is synced from the remote server to the local server using rsync. This ensures that all files are transferred accurately and without any loss of data.

How to Use the CloudPanel Migration Script

To use the script, download it from the GitHub repository at CloudPanel Migration Script. Once you have the script, update the following variables based on your environment:

  • SSH credentials for the remote server.
  • The path to the SQLite database on both the remote and local servers.
  • Domain names, database credentials, and other details specific to your PHP sites.

After configuring the script, simply run it, and it will take care of the entire migration process, including setting up the site, transferring files, and configuring databases.


The CloudPanel migration script is an essential tool for anyone managing websites on CloudPanel servers. It automates the time-consuming and error-prone tasks of site creation, file transfer, database setup, and configuration. By using this script, you can ensure a seamless, efficient, and secure migration between CloudPanel instances.

To get started with the script, visit the GitHub repository at CloudPanel Migration Script and simplify your website migration process today.

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